For more than 45 years now, your Longueuil Honda dealer has stood out for its exemplary customer service, both in terms of sales of new & used vehicles and the professionalism and efficiency of its mechanical service department.
Our qualified Honda mechanics will know how to treat your vehicle with care, while some of them have over 20 years of experience with us. Whether it's for tire installation, an oil change or more specific mechanical maintenance, our mechanics will be happy to work on your vehicle.
Click here to request a service appointment
Current hourly rate: $109.95*.
Do you need advice before making your maintenance appointment? Call our technical advisors who will be pleased to give you more information on the possibilities available to you. At Longueuil Honda, our goal is to offer you an unparalleled level of service, so you can take to the road with peace of mind in a safe vehicle in excellent condition.
To contact our service department:
When you book a maintenance appointment with us, you have access to a comfortable waiting room where you can relax, read or work at your leisure. Free coffee and Wi-Fi are offered to all our customers. It is also possible to request a limousine service or to borrow one of our courtesy vehicles if you need to be away during your vehicle's maintenance. Finally, owners of rechargeable vehicles will have access to a charging station.
*Please note that coffee and limousine service are not currently available due to COVID-19. In addition, our waiting room has been redesigned to respect the social distancing standards in effect. Don't forget your mask for the respect of other clients and our team.